The Vice President Research (VPR) Office oversees research atNTU, with a commitment to research excellence and positive societalimpact. The office devises and implements NTU's research strategywhilst addressing Singapore's national priorities. We also developresearch-related policies and coordinate research-relatedoperations at the university level. The incumbent plays a leadingrole in driving and implementing research strategies andinitiatives, principal coordinator across multiple universitydepartments and academic entities to develop the administrativeinstruments necessary to ensure the delivery of strategic research / initiative outcomes, and lead the administrative functions of theVPROffice.
- Drivekey strategic initiatives together with Associate Vice Presidentsof the VPR office and Centre Directors of University-level researchcentres.
- Oversee risk and governance ofuniversity-level research centres. Review research agreementsinvolving overseas collaboration partners to establish if furtherrisk assessment is required; and to see through risk assessment andthe development of mitigation measures.
- Providesupport to research strategies and initiatives including gathering,mapping, and analysing research expertise, proposals, meetingbriefs / minutes, supporting research collaborations, coordinatingreview, and coordinating visits / workshops.
- Work synergistically withstakeholders to coordinate the formulation and development ofpolicy and procedural papers in relation to the implementation ofnew initiatives and / or revision of existing policies / guidelinesthat guide research activity across NTU.
- Enableoversight of VPR Office on university-level research centres,establishing a coordinated and integrated process among the variousdepartments such as Human Resource, Finance and IT in harmonizingthe list of research institutes between regulation andsystems.
- Facilitate the process of opening newuniversity-level research centers and / or close researchcentre.
- Using analytics to review theperformance of research centres and recommendimprovements.
- Work closely with Finance toreview budget submissions.
- Part of the workingcommittee to review new space requests, renewals, and keep anoversight of newly big-funded projects requiringspace.
Aminimum of a Master's degree, preferably Ph.D. degree with R&Dbackground in a field relevant to organization's focusarea.Additional certifications in Leadership,Project Management, or related areas could beadvantageous.At least 5-10 years of experiencein a leadership or management role within a research, academic, orsimilar setting, demonstrating a track record of strategic planningand successful project delivery.Provenexperience in influencing and collaborating with a diverse range ofstakeholders and research teams.Ability to seethe big picture, formulate strategies, and translate them intoactionable plans.Exceptional ability tocommunicate clearly and persuasively, both in writing (e.g.,drafting whitepapers and guidelines, making slides) and verbally,across different levels of theorganization.Strong analytical skills and theability to navigate complex challenges, making informed decisionsunder pressure. This includes a keen attention to detail, ensuringthat all aspects of a problem are considered and addressed, whichis critical for developing thorough and effective solutions,especially for sensitive issues.Capacity toquickly learn and adapt to new subject areas and changes in thenational landscape.Excellent administrativeskills and fully competent in MS Office applications anddatabases.HiringInstitution : NTU