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Preschool Teacher - AGAPE@ChuaChuKang

Preschool Teacher - AGAPE@ChuaChuKang

Busy Bees NurseriesSingapore, West, Singapore
30+ days ago
Job type
  • Permanent
Job description

Childcare Teacher / Pre-School Teacher

The Pre-schoolteacher builds a secure and good learning environment for children. This isdone by forming meaningful and trusting relationships with them. He / Shesupports the holistic development of children. He / She achieves this by thecarrying out of a progressive and culturally proper curriculum. He / She buildspartnerships with parents and families. He / She is active in taking part incentre drives. He / She aids the team efforts with the community. He / She aids aculture of teamwork. He / She also nurtures good relationships with colleagues.Finally, he / she takes part in constant learning and reflective practices.

Responsibilities :

  • Dailyroutine care
  • Planningand executing the curriculum based on our inquiry-based approach
  • Partnershipswith parents
  • Preparationof children's portfolio
  • Maintaininga safe and fun environment for the children to learn and play

Requirements :

  • Diplomain Early Childhood Care and Education-T (DECCE-T) / Certificate in EarlyChildhood Care and Education (CECCE)
  • Fluentin English (written & spoken)
  • Atleast 1 year of working experience in related field
  • Follow health,safety, nutritional and hygiene standards and rules.
  • Guidethe social and emotional growth along with confidence in children.
  • Impartthe core values of early childhood education with events.
  • Reachout to and foster trust and respect in relationshipswith children.
  • Review teachingand learning approaches that follow Curriculum Frameworks.
  • Setup home-centre partnerships.
  • Setup quality learning environments.
  • Showan understanding of the centre’s vision, mission and values.
  • Show ethicsand professionalism.
  • Takepart in centre initiatives and programmes.
  • Takepart in collaborative projects with people involved with theschool.
  • Takepart in constant learning and reflective practices.
  • Teamup and foster good workplace relations.
  • Understandthe learning and developmental needs of young children (birth to age 8).
  • Use classroommanagement and document children’s learning.
  • Classroomand project management skills
  • Goodcommunication and interpersonal skills
  • Ableto manage under stress
  • Passionfor teaching children