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Senior Learning Strategist / Learning Strategist (Centre forInnovation in Learning) [NIE]

Senior Learning Strategist / Learning Strategist (Centre forInnovation in Learning) [NIE]

NTU (Nanyang Technology University- MainOffice-HR)Singapore
30+ days ago
Job description


The National Institute ofEducation (NIE), Singapore , is Singapore's nationalteacher education institute, and we are proud to be an integralpart of the nation's education service. We play a key role in thepreparation of teachers and in the provision of teacherprofessional and school leadership development programmes. We arecommitted to our vision of being An Institute ofDistinction : Leading the Future of Education, and ourmission to Inspire Learning, Transform Teaching andAdvance Research . Read more about NIE here .

We areseeking a pedagogically minded and dedicated Senior LearningStrategist / Learning Strategist. Reporting to the LearningStrategist Manager, the appointee collaborates with faculties todesign and develop cutting-edge blended learning experiences,providing strategic guidance for implementing innovative digitalteaching and learning practices acrossNIE.

Additionally, the appointee will workclosely with fellow Learning Strategists and the other teams in thedepartment to research, develop, and present innovative andpedagogically sound design solutions to stakeholders, in pursuit ofenhanced practice and outcomes. The candidate should be familiarwith the training and adult education landscape, be adept atfacilitation and possess a commitment to staying up to date onhigher education best practices. This is a 2-year contractposition.


BuildEvidence-Based Innovation in Teaching & Learning withinNIE

a) Collaborate with fellowLearning Strategists to :

  • Researchadult learning theories, strategies, data, and appropriateeducational technology tools to design, develop, and facilitate impactful face-to-face and online tech-enhancedworkshops forfaculty.
  • Assess the learningneeds of IN-Learning specialists in learning design and emergingtechnology.
  • Design, develop, and facilitateengaging initiatives to support IN-Learning specialists in buildingtheir expertise in learning design and emergingtechnology.

b) Collaboratewith NIE faculty to :

  • Identify learningneeds for courses they teach.
  • Proposeframeworks, new / enhanced learning outcomes, tech-enabled teachingand learning strategies, and assessments as part of courseredesigning.
  • Propose appropriate educationaltechnology to overcome gaps and enhance the learning outcomes ofthe courses.
  • Achieve constructive alignment ofthe learning outcomes with the learning activities and assessmentin their courses.
  • c)Collaborate with cross-functional teamsto :

  • Assess faculty capabilitydevelopment needs through qualitative and quantitative dataanalysis, to inform their work in designing, developing, andevaluating learner-centered blended learning experiences andfostering assessment literacy.
  • Research,develop and present evidence-based and innovative design solutionswith the project team to stakeholders.
  • Researchand evaluate frameworks and educational technology tools forimplementation to optimize and innovate teaching, learning andassessment practices in NIE.
  • Research, writegrant proposals and develop tech-enabled learningsolutions.
  • Work together on initiatives withIN-Learning's Engagement, Planning and Research team to sharelearning sciences knowledge and improve practicesinstitute-wide.
  • Carry out action researchby :
  • conceptualizing frameworks andmethodologies
  • designing evaluation instruments
  • gathering and analyzing data (e.g. LearningAnalytics)
  • formulating decisions to improve theeffectiveness of learning experiences and our CapabilityDevelopment initiatives
  • Contribute to specialprojects on teaching and learning, asrequired.
  • Keep Upwith Learning Sciences and Innovative Teaching and LearningPractices

  • Stay current onlearning sciences, innovative teaching and learning practices inhigher education (e.g., personalized learning, adaptive learning,e-assessment, hybrid learning, learning analytics, and ArtificialIntelligence).
  • Foster a culture of continuouslearning within the team by providing opportunities forprofessional development and encouraging knowledgesharing.
  • Requirements

  • AUniversity degree, preferably in Instructional Design, Education orLearning Sciences and Technologies. A master's degree ispreferred.
  • A minimum of 2 years of experiencein instructional design, teaching and learning, within a highereducational setting or with adult learners. Proven ability tomanage successful learning projects.
  • To beconsidered for the Senior Learning Strategist position, candidatesshould :
  • Possess at least 5 years of experiencein instructional design, teaching, learning, and the adulteducation landscape.
  • Possess a proven trackrecord of managing complex learningprojects.
  • Demonstrate experience in amentorship role and in leading complexprojects.
  • Expert knowledge of applying AdultLearning theories in the design of Blended Learningexperiences.
  • Possess strong researchskills.
  • Proven track record in designing andfacilitating faculty development workshops for diverseaudiences.
  • Possess strong written, verbal, andpresentation skills.
  • Strong knowledge ofemerging educational technologies for teaching andlearning.
  • Excellent time management skills tomeet multiple deadlines simultaneously and consistently deliverhigh-quality results.
  • Excellent organizationaland project management skills.
  • Experience infacilitating both face-to-face and onlinesessions.
  • Familiarity with Learning ManagementSystem and a demonstrated ability to rapidly learn new tools andprocesses with minimal support.
  • Demonstrateexcellent interpersonal skills and strong problem-solvingabilities.
  • Highly motivated, able to workindependently yet also a strong team player.
  • Astrong desire to learn, acquire, and share newknowledge.
  • Maintain a positive attitude andwork effectively under pressure to meetdeadlines.
  • ClosingDate

    The closing date of theadvertisement is 14 February 2025. We regret that only shortlistedcandidates will be notified.


    NIE staff can takechartered buses at their own expense from or near their homes tothe NIE campus. This is subject to availability ofseats.

    Hiring Institution : NIE