We are looking for potential part-time Creative Art& Craft Teachers :
- Must be responsible & committed tothe assignment(s)
- Passionate, Independent, and able tohandle children with patience
- Able to do administrativework
- Able to commitfor the whole academic year
What isArt?
Aims to develop your child’s drawingand coloring foundation with oil pastels and watercolour.Course will focus on motor skills,fun, dramatic and self-confidence development.The course covers the basis of drawing skills andcolouring control, including exploration of paintingprocessStudents will learn the entire processof art creation while the teacher will focus to teach them the“how” and coach them professionallyStudents will be learning :
DrawingPaintingSketchingCraftworkWater ColouringPastelColouringQualifiedTeachers with Relevant Certificates
Creative Art &Craft : (Cert from Art College orInstitute)
Classes are conducted Once a week,for 1.5 hours per session.
Age group between 4 -10 years
Weekday evenings : Between 6.30 pm to9.30 pm OR
Weekend mornings : Between 9 am to 12noon