As part of the national HealthierSG initiative to transformthe way healthcare is delivered, NUHS Regional Health System Office(RHSO) is setting up a Care and Call Centre (CareHub) to supportthe western population through phone calls, telemedicine anddigital communication platforms to become healthier and take chargeof own health.
You will be responsible to helmCareHub in line with CareHub's service standards and keyperformance indicators (KPIs) and deliver a positive customerexperience for residents and community partners who reach in toCareHub for support to age well in the community. The job scopewould include referrals to community partners, facilitatingcommunity appointments, conducting outbound nudges to encourageparticipation in screening and vaccination to assisting residentsand community partners with navigation of the healthcarelandscape.
You will have the opportunity to bepart of a dynamic team and we are looking for like-mindedindividuals to join us who are positive, passionate about serviceexperience with a quality improvementmindset.
You will also participate in thedevelopment, implementation and review of CareHub's functions andinitiatives, as well as be a knowledge champion for CareHub 'sknowledge management system.
The job holder willsupport the operations of CareHub Care and Call Centre in thefollowing areas but not limited to :