Calling English to Dutch Legal Translation Vetters
Job posted at : Feb 6, 5 : GMT (GMT : Feb 6, 5 : )
Job type : Potential Job
Services required : Translation, Checking / editing
Languages : English to Dutch
Job description : We have a prospective vetting job for you to vet translated Dutch versions of the European Union-Singapore Digital Trade Agreement (EUSDTA) legal text.
For the verification process, you are required to do the following :
a)Verify that the Dutch versions of the EUSDTA legal text are accurate and precise translations of the English version; and
b)In the event that the Dutch versions cannot be directly translated to the English version due to the nature of the language, verify that the Dutch version does not legally conflict or potentially give rise to legal issues with the English version in any way.
Considering the above client requirement, we invite Dutch lawyers or legal graduates familiar with Dutch trade laws to apply for this job.
Pre-requisite for applicant
Via Papal days from satisfactory job completion against your invoice.
Info to submit
For application, please send your translation rate and vetting rate in Singapore Dollars per word and your detailed resume (please include your whatsapp mobile number, skype id ) to [HIDDEN]
Poster country : Singapore
Service provider targeting (specified by job poster) : Membership : Non-members may quote after hours
Preferred native language : Target language(s)
Subject field : Law (general)
Quoting deadline : Feb , 5 : GMT
Sample text : Translating this text is NOT required 1.With a view to creating a paperless border environment for trade of goods, the Parties recognise the importance of eliminating paper forms and documents required for import, export, or transit of goods. To that end, each Party is encouraged to eliminate paper forms and documents, as appropriate, and transition toward using forms and documents in data-based formats. (This is for your ref only. Sample translation is not required)
About the outsourcer : This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of out of 5
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